

One of the contributing factors I feel and act as I do at my age is the chiropractic care I got, and am resorting to, whenever a health problem arises. I have had already a back problem when I was in my twenties, and it was so bad that I had a supporting corset given to me. Once under chiropractic care, I was able to dispose of that support, as well as rid myself of the migraine headaches that bugged me no end. The ensuing years brought us into working in this field, and till our retirement, I assisted my husband in our clinic.
During these many years, we met with, and successfully solved, many different health problems; that it hurts me to see people suffer needlessly.

Chiropractic approach to healing and treatment are very different from that of the medical profession, As a matter of fact, it is the opposite. While medicine believes in medication and surgery, which means – out side chemical interference and slicing, chiropractic believes that the body can do its own healing, providing its nervous system is free from interference; thus it can help in about say 90% of human ailments.

Why is that and what does that mean? It means that all our functions are controlled by our nervous system. It is our communication system. It conveys instruction from our Brain to our various organs and back, and makes it all work in harmony. The switchboard of this system, the spinal cord, is housed within our spin. Through spaces between the vertebrae it sends nerves to all parts of our body. When a misalignment occurs anywhere in that spine, from whatever reason, the function of the nerves passing through that area may be hampered. Thus, may produce conditions that will manifest as illness. It is the job of the chiropractor to find where the problem sits, and correct it. The rest is up to the body.

Lets look at our bodies through the functions of our society: We have our government and the various departments, and as long as they can communicate, everything works properly. When a problem arises, it can be fixed in no time. We can send for fire department, or call up the army and so on, to attend to whatever needs attention, for example. But, if the message does not go through from the area in need, no help can come, can it?

Our bodies are a very advanced piece of equipment, if I can call it that way. It has its own army in the form of white blood cells and it raises its temperature to kill invading bacteria and so on; and it is a pity that we do not give it enough credence.

This is, of course, just a very superficial explanation and there is so much more to say about the body and chiropractic, but all I wanted to do here is to make those of you who are interested, aware of what chiropractic really is and that there may be help for those who suffer needlessly.

Artist, poet & the Author of
From the Promised Land to the Lucky Country

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Bicurim feast in the kibbutz highschool
Hi Walter and Annette, Thanks for the feedback. Pleased you enjoyed reading it. What happened to the boat, comes in a period after the book ends and maybe a part of the next book...