
Promised land – Jerusalem

When I was asked: “what do you envision when asked what does ‘the Promised Land means to you?’ I saw the covenant between God and Abraham, However, when I thought about it some more, Jerusalem came into mind and has done so ever since.Then I asked myself – why Jerusalem? why not some other place you know in the Promised Land or elsewhere?

Well, Jerusalem was always the focus place of our people.It was the city of King David and the place of the First Temple – the spiritual and cultural and political centre of the Jewish people. A place of pilgrimage, of yearning.

When I was 13 years old I lived in a boarding school located at the fringes of Jerusalem.It was 1944 and we were ruled by the British who got a mandate over the area after WWI. An uncle and auntie of mine, whom I adored, lived in that city, and I used to visit them regularly. As I have written about my childhood impression of Jerusalem in my book, I thought I’d copy some of it here for you:

“As we walk along, I watch the very large and very black Sudanese, in their long white robes, selling their hot pistachio nuts at street corners, and eat the Arab-style, gooey fruit ice-cream one buys on the main street leading towards the Arab section, outside the old city.An ice cream like no other; it stretches like chewing gum and tastes heavenly to boot.

Not so palatable are the many beggars one cannot ignore, most of which are professionals.They start their day at four o’clock every morning and go, like all who go to work, to their allotted begging spots, which they have earned by fighting over them, like cats.Each has his or her specific way of begging, which they teach their children as well.Some even go to such length that they maim themselves or lie across the footpath in the most grotesque way, looking under one’s dress.Many of them become very wealthy, yet continue to live in their accustomed impoverished ways.”

In my next posting I’ll tell you about my impression of today’s Jerusalem, which I visited last year.If you have been to Jerusalem, why not post your impressions? Just click on the comment icon and write.Love to hear from you.

To read more in my book or a reviews about it click the link at the top right hand side under the first photo.


Artist, poet & the Author of

From the Promised Land to the Lucky Country

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Bicurim feast in the kibbutz highschool
Hi Walter and Annette, Thanks for the feedback. Pleased you enjoyed reading it. What happened to the boat, comes in a period after the book ends and maybe a part of the next book...