
Visiting Israel - feel the place

I am in Israel now and intend staying here for sometime. It’s a fascinating place.Its history, location, situation and problems are unique.They differ greatly from those in other countries because of its position as a holy place to the world’s 3 monotheistic religions; and because its the Jewish people’s only homeland. It is an integral part of their history and beliefs.

The re-establishment of Israel as a state after 2000 years of exile makes the place even more unique. Here antiquity and modernism come together; and a bridge from the past to the present and to the future is constantly being built.

Israel is a very modern country. She is a powerhouse to the High Tech world and a leader in many other fields as well. It’s a democracy, where the democracy has perhaps gone too far: many opinions, far too many political parties, and a very open debate over every issue that comes along.

In less than 100 years, the growing Jewish population has turned the dessert made by the Ottoman Empire (Turkish) in its 400 years rule, to a garden.Trees and flowering shrubs, as well as flowers are everywhere, and the people are keen on planting to such a degree, that many verandas and rooftops are green with a large variety of large plants.

Israel topography makes this place unique as well. In such a small country the landscape changes rapidly: from white sandy beaches to mountain ridges, to valleys, and right down to the lowest spot on earth – The Dead Sea.And by the way, the Dead Sea, which in Hebrew is called – the Salt Sea, is not really ‘Dead’; and it is interesting to note that at its centre, at the very bottom of it, are sweet water springs.

Next post - Wedding on Mount Carmel. Renate Artist, poet & the Author of From the Promised Land to the Lucky Country http://www.promisedland-renate.com/

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Bicurim feast in the kibbutz highschool
Hi Walter and Annette, Thanks for the feedback. Pleased you enjoyed reading it. What happened to the boat, comes in a period after the book ends and maybe a part of the next book...