

Since my last post, I was busy painting, preparing for an exhibition I am to take part in, and thus the delay.

In preparation for the catalogue, I was asked to introduce and tell something about myself, to be printed in it. This I thought was unnecessary, as my painting will do that for me. Instead, I opted to say something about painting; about my feeling and the point of view I have on the subject.

Having done that, lead me thinking of the other disciplines I am involved in; mainly poetry and writing, and I came to the conclusion that the three are in reality, my reality, the same thing. They all convey the soul of their creator, each in its own unique form.

How come you may ask? Well, what ever you do has your signature. Your signature is not the name you write below, but what underlines your creation. The way you see things; whether in words or in colour; the way you express them; the way you view and approach that which you encounter or that which consumes you. This is the reason, why you can say, all these were created by one person or another.

So what is then, the difference between those various disciplines? The difference is the mode used. When I write a book, I use more characters; have a plot that runs into details. I move through time and events my characters are involved in. I elaborate and extend description and may add some dialogue, or a poem or two to give more personality those characters.

In poetry, I express that which I see, feel or understand, in the shortest and most precise manner, and in rhythm. It is a song in words.

In both forms about, I use words in different ways. In painting I do that visually; in various colour combination that not only interpret what I see, but also show the mood of the subject, or my own, at the time of painting. These apply not only to conventional painting, but to abstract ones as well; and it may be that in the abstract, they play even a more prominent place.

Taking the three forms of expression together, I convey what is within me by utilizing and tantalizing different senses.


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Bicurim feast in the kibbutz highschool
Hi Walter and Annette, Thanks for the feedback. Pleased you enjoyed reading it. What happened to the boat, comes in a period after the book ends and maybe a part of the next book...