
The Promised Land – what does it mean to you?

Yesterday I went for coffee with some friend and was posed this question.I was asked:with what do you associate this phrase

The Promised Land”?

What does it mean to you?What reaction or emotion does it trigger within you?What word association does it bring up?

Good question.Never thought about it.For me it always meant the land that was promised by God to Abraham for him and its descendants – the tribes of Israel.

As I started to think about it, I realized that it has become a metaphor, a symbol, an image.

But of what? Of hope? Of Yearning? A place of refuge? Of resting?

A fascinating question - What do you think? What do you feel when posed with this question?. Do think about it and comment. Lets see what you come up with.


Artist, poet & the Author of

From the Promised Land to the Lucky Country


Joan Small, Natural Energy Boosters said...

Hi Renate,
An interesting question indeed. To me the Promised Land has biblical connotations, but in a metaphorical sense it means reaching the ultimate - the dreamed of safe place - the 'land of milk and honey'. I guess it's a bit like the Paradise we live in here on the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia. A place of abundance and beauty with a beautiful climate. This is my 'Promised Land
Joan Small www.theenergybook.com

Tom said...

I think it is a promise of things to come.

Essentially I think the 'Promised Land,' means the promise of the Holy Spirit, which came in the New Testament. If we have the Holy Spirit in us, it is as if we are living with God, and God in us. The ultimate place to be, don't you think?
So when God made this promise, he was thinking ahead towards the New Covenant (New Testament), in which the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.

So in other words the Promised Land really means the promise of the Holy Spirit for us.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tom,
I find your comment most interesting as it puts a very different slant to this question. It only shows us that for each and every one of us - 'The Promised Land' signifies something different.
Thank you for this comment in the hope that more readers will give us an insight to their very personalized understanding of this question, just as you have done.

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Hi Walter and Annette, Thanks for the feedback. Pleased you enjoyed reading it. What happened to the boat, comes in a period after the book ends and maybe a part of the next book...