
My talk at the Runaway Bay Library

Before I continue with the 3rd book in my - From the promised Land to the Lucky Country - which covers the period I lived in the USA, I like to tell you about the talk I gave last Wednesday in the Runaway Bay Library on the Gold Coast to the Sight Impaired Readers’ group, about my life:

We had 25 people attending and the meeting was great.Even though I lived in 3 countries each in a different continent, most of the question and interest centered around life in the "Land of Israel" (Palestine) under the British Mandate and Israel’s war of independence etc.

Wherever I go I find many people wanting to know about Israel, as it seems never to get off the TV screens.Unfortunately, much of the information is misinformation.Israel has much more to offer than wars and fights with the Arabs, and I welcome the inquiries I get.Not only that, but I have posted on the right hand column a list of some of Israel’s achievements for you to read.


Artist, Poet and the author of -

From the Promised Landto the Lucky Country.

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Bicurim feast in the kibbutz highschool
Hi Walter and Annette, Thanks for the feedback. Pleased you enjoyed reading it. What happened to the boat, comes in a period after the book ends and maybe a part of the next book...